Thursday, June 23, 2011

Optimist Announcements


Happy Father's Day to all the fathers among us, and to all the fathers who have touched our lives.  Thank you for making a difference!

Many thanks to those who put up and took down flags last Tuesday for Flag Day!   We'll soon be looking for more flag volunteers for the Fourth of July.  Please let Randy Basabe know if you can help on the "up" crew or the "down" crew.

Reminder - no weekly Optimist meetings through the summer months.  However, please keep in mind that we'll have several important activities during the summer that will require a strong club involvement and support.  We'll keep you posted.

Last Tuesday was our final weekly meeting before our summer break, and we made it a combined Board Meeting and fellowship meeting.  Please take a few minutes to review the following minutes of the meeting, and check with any Board member should you have questions:

Optimist Club of McCall

Minutes of the Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Board of Directors met with general membership at a breakfast meeting at The Pancake House in McCall at 7:00 a.m.

No votes were taken, but many business items were discussed.

1.              Treasurer’s Report.  Michael Gurney and Mike Kohout will check with Treasurer Dave Kistner and e-mail a report to the President and Secretary.

2.              Announcements – President Hank Boomer.  President Hank discussed numerous funding “wants” for the club, including new jerseys for Optimist Football, additional scholarship money, the pole vault pit, and the POTS Program, none of which we can contribute to without a new source of funding.

Mike Kohout recently sent out the dues billings.

Lengthy discussion on “Jazz on the Green”, set for Saturday, August 13th.  President Hank emphasized the need to eliminate confusion and coordinate our efforts.  All communications with Golf Pro Allan Morrison need to go through either Hank or Jim Thackeray, who will send notices to all so that we all stay on the same page.  Rich Wildman strongly agreed, and pointed out that the same rule needs to be followed with non-member volunteers, such as parents of Optimist Footballers.

It was emphasized that there are only 2,000 tickets being offered for sale, and, as far as we know, the tickets are not yet printed.  This could impact internet sales of tickets, as we would have to know how many tickets others have sold if we don’t have tickets in our hands or to deliver to buyers.  It is unknown how much deck seating is available, and we don’t want to “oversell”.  Guy questioned whether the Golf Course Clubhouse needs to rent additional chairs.  Do we need hand-stamps for spectators to ensure that we don’t have “free-riders” walking in?  Numerous promotional ideas were discussed, including a ticket sale “thermometer” to be displayed at the Clubhouse and in each week’s newspaper.  Newspaper advertising, getting on the Chamber calendar, radio (including BSU Radio), Channel 7 TV, the Roseberry Music Festival (which is scheduled for July 16th).

After the meeting, Tom offered to help with promotions.  His good friend, formerly of Common Ground, now lives in Boise, and is very accustomed to promoting musical events.  Also, Joey Petri volunteered to coordinate efforts/liaison with Optimist Football players, coaches, and parents.

President Hank appointed John Mansisidor and Kermit Peterson to organize a potluck work party for mid-July; the blackjack tables are in need of repair, and a mid-July gathering would help us to also focus on ticket sales for Jazz on the Green.
Randy is busy with flag activities, and is organizing for the 4th of July already.

President Hank announced that the next general membership meeting will be the day after Labor Day, September 6.

The membership “passed the hat” for our waitress, Norma Montes, and gave Norma and Bonnie Bertram a well-deserved round of applause.

3.              Meeting Adjourned – Hank Boomer.  There being no further business, members recited the Optimist Creed, Noah Jeppe rang the bell, and the meeting was adjourned.

Have a great summer!



Promise Yourself....
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.

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