Monday, August 27, 2012

Meetings begin this week!

Hello Friends and Optimist,

I hope everyone has enjoyed the Summer. The kids are back in school and we are ready to kick off another great season of Optimist activities.

Important Meeting August 28, 2012 at the Pancake House at 7 AM
We have many things to discuss and assignments for Jazz on the Green. Alan Morrison from the McCall Golf Course will be our speaker. He will give us the last minute instructions on where he wants us to help with the Jazz on the Green. We will need to collect on the tickets the members have sold. Also at this meeting we have the Harlem Ambassadors Announcement ready to show to everyone.

Labor Day Weekend Flags!
We are be accepting "volunteers on a first come first serve basis" for this Labor Day weekend. We will put up Friday morning 8/31/12 at 7:00am and take down Monday evening 09/03/12 at 7:00pm. Volunteers should contact John Mansisidor, at 634-6970 or 325-4458 to secure their position on the crew.

We hope to see you there.

Tom Crawford
Promise Yourself....To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.