Monday, December 17, 2012

Dec 18th Optimist Meeting: Sea Turtles and Winter Carnival Activity Planning

Hello Friends and Optimist,

This Tuesday, December 18th, we will have a short presentation from Wyatt Marolf, 4th grade student at Donnelly Elementary. Wyatt will explain his science project and his work assisting with conservation efforts to help sea turtles in Mexico.

After Wyatt’s presentation, we will have open discussion about Winter Carnival activities and planning. We are considering selling chowder and/or chili, having a two floats in the parade, and supporting the Track Team with a teen dance. We have a lot to talk about. I hope everyone can make it. Drive safe.

Tom Crawford, secretary

Promise Yourself....... just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Dec 10th Optimist Meeting: Jessicah Travis, MYST

Hello Friends and Optimist,

This Tuesday, December 10th, at the Pancake House, at 7:00 am, Jessicah Travis of MYST, Mentoring Youth, Supporting Teens, will come join us and discuss and share the latest news, events, and progress with their program. The opening first year for the Yellow Mug, Yellow Couch, and the Yellow Closet coming to an end and we can now talk about what to look forward to for the new year. We would like to brainstorm any potential projects that MYST and the Optimist Club could collaborate on. We can use everyone’s input, so come to the meeting. Invite a friend!

Here is the MYST website:

Board Members: A short Board Meeting will be held after the breakfast meeting.

Tom Crawford, secretary

Promise Yourself....... To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.