Sunday, July 21, 2013

PNW District Optimist Convention Planning

Hello Optimist,

We re-scheduled the planning meeting for the Regional Convention for Tuesday, Jul 23, 7am at the Pancake House.  We hope this is a better time for most members.  At the meeting we will go over the schedule for the convention and discuss the details and work to be done.  As the host club, we are responsible for the BBQ, the hospitality room, and some of the logistics.  This event will be a big benefit to our club and hometown. If you can help out in anyway, but can't make this meeting, just let me know. 

We will also hold a Board meeting shortly afterwards at 8am.  Everyone is welcome to attend. 
The Pacific Northwest Convention website and registration can be found here:
Looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Tom Crawford, secretary 
Promise Yourself....... To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.