Hello Friends and Optimist,
Tomorrow morning, McCall Parks & Rec Recreation Supervisor, Tara Woods will join us for breakfast. Tara was hired on this past year and brings a new perspective to the organization. McCall Parks & Rec does many things for our visitors, citizens, and especially our youth. Tara will speak about some of the new programs and direction. You can learn a lot their programs here: http://www.mccall.id.us/departments/parks-and-recreation.html
Please come join us 7:00am at the Pancake House, and welcome Tara Woods.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
Promise yourself, to talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
Monday, December 12, 2016
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Optimist Meeting Tuesday, Dec 6th with Coach Lee Leslie
Hello Friends and Optimist,
We have a great speaker lined up for next Tuesday. Coach Lee Leslie will join us for breakfast. McCall-Donnelly HS had very successful football season this year. Since last year, Coach Leslie has made a big influence not only in the sports programs, but other areas as well. Coach Leslie can also talk about some of the new incentive and motivational programs that are being develop at the High School. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the Coach and ask questions. 7:00am at the Pancake House.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
Promise yourself, to talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
We have a great speaker lined up for next Tuesday. Coach Lee Leslie will join us for breakfast. McCall-Donnelly HS had very successful football season this year. Since last year, Coach Leslie has made a big influence not only in the sports programs, but other areas as well. Coach Leslie can also talk about some of the new incentive and motivational programs that are being develop at the High School. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the Coach and ask questions. 7:00am at the Pancake House.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
Promise yourself, to talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Optimist Club Meeting - Tuesday, October 25
Hello Friends and Optimist,
On Tuesday, 0700 at the Pancake House, Brian Harris, Payette NF Public Affairs Officer, will speak about the Capitol Christmas Tree celebration and tour which starts right here in McCall. An amazing amount of effort went into the planning and preparation which started a year and a half ago.
“For more than 50 years, a Christmas tree has graced the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol for the holiday season. The Payette National Forest in partnership with nonprofit Choose Outdoors will bring this special gift from Idaho to Washington, D.C. for the 2016 season, involving more than 25 communities along the way.
The 80 foot Engelmann Spruce is the second U.S. Capitol Christmas tree to come from Idaho. It will be cut on Nov. 2 near McCall and prepared for the 2,000-mile expedition. With great fanfare, the tree will leave the Payette National Forest followed by ambassadors from the Payette and Choose Outdoors for the journey to the U.S. Capitol.”
The national tour event starts here, downtown McCall, November 5th at 5:00. You can read all about the capitol tree project here: http://www.capitolchristmastree.com/
Brian will discuss the many fascinating details of the project and can answer your questions. Don’t miss out. Please come join us for Tuesday morning and bring a friend. Thank you!
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
Promise yourself, to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Monday, April 18, 2016
Optimistic meeting, Tuesday, April 19
Hello Friends and Optimist
This Tuesday, Blake Watson, Community Relations Representative for Idaho Power, will join us at our breakfast meeting. Idaho Power supports and contributes to many community projects. Blake has been our guest before and will share the many interesting things that Idaho Power does for their communities they serve. Please come and welcome Blake Watson, Tuesday, April 19th, 7am at the Pancake House and bring a friend.
Thank you.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
“Promise yourself to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.”
Monday, April 11, 2016
Meeting reminder - April 12
Hello Friends and Optimists,
I am excited to let everyone know that Sheri Maupin, spokesperson for America's Best Communities and manager of Idaho First Bank, will be our speaker on Tuesday. She will be presenting as a "dress rehearsal" the presentation that will be presented for our region at the America's Best Communities Semi-Finals. It is a 10 min presentation about a plan that has truly begun to unite McCall, Donnelly, Meadows Valley, and Cascade together with an ambitious economic development plan. Belinda and I are also on the steering committee that wrote the plan. We are all looking for your input on Sheri's presentation and how it may be better or what specifically is good in it. She will be presenting the West Central Mountain's presentation at the end of this month in North Carolina.
What is the America's Best Communities contest? You may have read in the McCall Star News over the last several weeks a multi-part article about the West Central Mountains community and what we on the steering committee learned and worked together to create this economic plan. Our community started about a 16 months ago entering a contest sponsored by Frontier Communications, Dish Network, The Weather Channel, and other corporate sponsors. Approximately 150 rural communities joined in and Valley County Meadows Valley was selected to be in the top 50 giving us $65,000 to further develop the plan. Then a couple of months ago we made it into the top 15. This provided us a trip to North Carolina to present our plan to an independent judging panel made up of experts in the economic development field. After Sheri presents the judges will decide on the top 8 communities. These top 8 communities will be given $100,000 to implement the plan over the following 11 months. At the end of the 11 month period, the three communities that have accomplished the most of their plan will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The 3rd place community wins $1,000,000 to continue implementing our plan. The 2nd place community wins $2,000,000 and 1st place wins $3,000,000 to complete the plan.
Please help our community become the #1 America's Best Community by attending the Optimists meeting on Tuesday to help Sheri, Belinda and me to make our community's presentation the best it can be. When we win, you can feel proud that you helped our community win.
Craig Campbell
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Optimist Club Meeting Notice - March 29
Hello Friends and Optimist
We are very pleased to have Erin Greaves join us at our breakfast meeting next Tuesday to talk about some of the plans for McCall’s 4th of July celebration. Erin is currently McCall’s Communication Manager. She is a graphic designer and artist and has extensive experience in advertising and marketing. She would like to share some ideas with us that could help us with our future projects. Erin is also very active in the community and helping our youth. She is the executive director of the Payette Lakes Community Association, PLCA 4 KIDS, a non-profit organization focused on Valley County youth education and enrichment programs. Erin is also the event coordinator for “A Taste of McCall”, McCall-Donnelly Education Foundation’s annual signature event. We have a lot to talk about! Please come and meet Erin Greaves, Tuesday, March 29th, 7am at the Pancake House. Bring a friend.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
“Promise yourself to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.”
We are very pleased to have Erin Greaves join us at our breakfast meeting next Tuesday to talk about some of the plans for McCall’s 4th of July celebration. Erin is currently McCall’s Communication Manager. She is a graphic designer and artist and has extensive experience in advertising and marketing. She would like to share some ideas with us that could help us with our future projects. Erin is also very active in the community and helping our youth. She is the executive director of the Payette Lakes Community Association, PLCA 4 KIDS, a non-profit organization focused on Valley County youth education and enrichment programs. Erin is also the event coordinator for “A Taste of McCall”, McCall-Donnelly Education Foundation’s annual signature event. We have a lot to talk about! Please come and meet Erin Greaves, Tuesday, March 29th, 7am at the Pancake House. Bring a friend.
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
“Promise yourself to talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.”
Friday, February 26, 2016
Bingo on March 8
Hello Friends and Optimist.
Tom Crawford,
It is soon time for Lucky Bingo on March 8th. We are having fun raising money to support youth organizations and provide for scholarships.
The blackout game is still over $350!
Come join us for the fun, get lucky, and celebrate St Patrick’s Day with us.
The more that play the bigger the pay. If you can’t make it, you can still help us support our youth by telling people about this event. I’ve attached the flyer. Please forward, print & post, or share this flyer as much you can. Find us on Facebook. Thank you very much.
Tom Crawford,
McCall Optimist President
Monday, February 22, 2016
Meeting notice, February 23
Hello Friends and Optimist,
We have a very interesting program this Tuesday. Morgan Zedalis, Forest Service Archeologist, will present a slide show of cultures sites on the forest and bring a few artifacts. Please share this and bring a friend or invite a student for this Tuesday presentation at the Pancake House, 7am.
Thank you,
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
We have a very interesting program this Tuesday. Morgan Zedalis, Forest Service Archeologist, will present a slide show of cultures sites on the forest and bring a few artifacts. Please share this and bring a friend or invite a student for this Tuesday presentation at the Pancake House, 7am.
Thank you,
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
Monday, February 15, 2016
Meeting notice February 16
Hello Friends and Optimist.
This is your meeting reminder for tomorrow morning, Tuesday Feb 16, 0700 at the Pancake House. Our guest speaker is New Meadows District Ranger, Kim Pierson. Kim will update us on the latest news on the Payette National Forest including work being done provided the National Christmas Tree. Come ask questions and bring a friend.
Tom Crawford – McCall Optimist President
Tom Crawford – McCall Optimist President
Monday, January 11, 2016
McCall Optimist Club Meeting Notice for January 12
Hello McCall Optimist and Friends.
Our guest speaker this Tuesday is Craig Baker. Craig is an excellent 7th & 8th grade teacher for Payette Middle School where he teaches Social Studies/Language Arts, Spanish, and Creative Writing. Craig is also our Cubmaster for our charter cub scout pack.
Here are a few things about Craig Baker:
Here are a few things about Craig Baker:
- Born and raised in the Blackfoot, ID area.
- Graduated from Snake River HS. Graduated from Idaho State University with B.A. in Elementary and Special Education. Also completed M.Ed in Educational Administration.
- Taught Special Education in Idaho Falls and Rexburg, Idaho. Also taught Special Education in West Chester, Ohio and New Meadows, Idaho.
- Worked as a District Level Administrator for the Lakota School District in Ohio.
- Was a scout since the age of 8. Earned the Arrow of Light award and became an Eagle Scout. Held many leadership positions in scouting including about 4 summers on staff with a cub scout day camp. Currently the Cubmaster for Pack 246.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Bingo on January 12, 2016
The McCall Optimist Club is holding another Bingo game January 12th. It will be fun. T
here is a good chance the progressive pot will be won; it’s well over $230 now.
Please help us support our community youth programs by spreading the word about Optimist Bingo, Tuesday, Jan 12th, 6pm downstairs at the Idaho First Bank. Attached is a flyer.
Please feel free to print and post where ever you can or share on Facebook.
Thank you,
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President
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