Friday, February 26, 2016

Bingo on March 8

Hello Friends and Optimist. 

It is soon time for Lucky Bingo on March 8th. We are having fun raising money to support youth organizations and provide for scholarships. 

The blackout game is still over $350! 

Come join us for the fun, get lucky, and celebrate St Patrick’s Day with us. 

The more that play the bigger the pay. If you can’t make it, you can still help us support our youth by telling people about this event. I’ve attached the flyer. Please forward, print & post, or share this flyer as much you can. Find us on Facebook. Thank you very much. 

Tom Crawford, 
McCall Optimist President

Monday, February 22, 2016

Meeting notice, February 23

Hello Friends and Optimist,
We have a very interesting program this Tuesday. Morgan Zedalis, Forest Service Archeologist, will present a slide show of cultures sites on the forest and bring a few artifacts. Please share this and bring a friend or invite a student for this Tuesday presentation at the Pancake House, 7am.

Thank you,
Tom Crawford, McCall Optimist President

Monday, February 15, 2016

Meeting notice February 16

Hello Friends and Optimist. 

This is your meeting reminder for tomorrow morning, Tuesday Feb 16, 0700 at the Pancake House. Our guest speaker is New Meadows District Ranger, Kim Pierson. Kim will update us on the latest news on the Payette National Forest including work being done provided the National Christmas Tree. Come ask questions and bring a friend.

Tom Crawford – McCall Optimist President