Saturday, September 15, 2012

Meeting on Sept 18 and Harlem Ambassadors

Hello Friends and Optimist,

Jim Crawford, Horticulturalist and owner of Buffalo Berry Farms of Lakefork, will come speak to us about native plants, the industry, and the opportunities here in McCall. Jim and his wife Margo Conitz, have successfully owned and operated Buffalo Berry Farms since 1994. BBF has conducted many educational field trips for our students and has provided several first time employment opportunities. Jim and Margo are very active in the community and are a great asset to natural resource management and native landscaping. Jim will show us a few slides and give out a few pointers about working with native vegetation. Here is their website:

Important Info: We have Harlem Ambassadors tickets to distribute with instructions. Please try to attend the meeting to receive tickets to sale. If you can’t make the meeting contact Mike Kohout at 630-5019. We will need everyone’s participation to make this family fun filled event a success!

We hope to see you there.

Tuesday, Sept 18th, Meeting 7:00am at the Pancake house.

Tom Crawford
Promise Yourself....To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best.

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