Friday, February 1, 2013

Chowder sales this Saturday and meeting on Feb 5

Hello Friends and Optimist,

The Little Ski Hill just had their 75th anniversary! This Tuesday, Feb. 5th, Colby Nielsen, Mountain Manager of the Little Ski Hill, will come talk to us about all the programs and race events that is happening this season.

Built in 1937 as a winter diversion for local forest workers, the Little Ski Hill has served the region’s youth and skiing community for over 65 years. Located two miles north of McCall, Idaho on highway 55, this small but action-packed facility has an alpine hill served by a T-bar providing 405 vertical feet of terrain which is the only lit ski and snowboard hill in the area. Plus 30 kilometers of groomed cross-country ski trails located at their new facility Little Bear Basin.

Check out their website here:

We will be selling Chili and Chowder again this Saturday from 10-4 on the corner at the Chevron Station. Drop by to lend a hand or just have a bowl of soup. Any questions call Micheal @ 469-9293 or Tom @ 315-2714.

Come join us for breakfast this Tuesday at Pancake House,7:00 am.

Tom Crawford, secretary
Promise Yourself....... To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

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