Monday, April 7, 2014

Optimist Meeting, April 8 - McCall Pony Club

Hello Friends and Optimist,

Tuesday, April 8th, 0700 at the Pancake House: This week, Holly Becker will give us a slide presentation on the McCall Pony Club. The McCall Club is affiliated with The United States Pony Club, Inc. that is a non-profit national organization. There are Pony Clubs world-wide. McCall has had an active club since 1994. They are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. Holly Becker is from New Meadows and she is the Regional Supervisor of the Intermountain Regional Pony Clubs.

The mission of Pony Club is to "develop character, leadership, confidence and a sense of community in youth through a program that teaches the care of horses and ponies, riding and mounted sports.” USPC is unique because its educational programs place equal emphasis on the teaching of riding skills, horse-care fundamentals, and team participation with sportsmanship. From the moment youth join USPC until they graduate, they are part of a broad network of activities and educational programs that promote the health and safety of both horse and rider. USPC is dedicated to developing knowledgeable, competent, responsible, and caring horsemen.

You can check out the website by clicking on the logo below:

Tom Crawford, secretary
Promise Yourself....... To make all your friends feel that there is something in them.

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