Monday, November 12, 2012

November 13 Optimist Meeting - Judo Club

Hello Friends and Optimist,

This Tuesday we have Kenny Pyle, head instructor of the McCall Judo Club. Kenny is a McCall native and has been training hundreds of young students since 1998. The history of the club goes back to 1970. 

Kenny Pyle is a Sandan USA Judo Certified Coach, a Junior National Champion, trained a short time at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado. Come listen to Kenny speak about the club and the impact the Judo has on many of our McCall youth. Here is a link to the Judo Club's website:

Tuesday, Nov 13 th at our 0700 Breakfast Meeting at the Pancake House. Invite a friend. We always welcome new guests!

Also: Board Meeting this Tuesday evening, Golf Coarse Club House, 5:30pm.

Tom Crawford
Promise Yourself....To think only of the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best

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