Thursday, October 23, 2014

Optimist Meeting - October 28 - INL

Hello Friends and Optimist,

Tuesday, Oct 28, at the Pancake House 0700:  Our guest this week is Amy Lientz, the Communications Director, for the Idaho National Laboratory.  Amy will have a very interesting slide presentation and will discuss the latest developments at the Laboratory.  In operation since 1949, INL is a science-based, applied engineering national laboratory dedicated to supporting the U.S. Department of Energy's missions in nuclear and energy research, science, and national defense.  The INL is located near Idaho Falls and is the third largest employer in the state.
·       INL’s mission:  Proving the principle of national energy and security solutions using world-class capabilities.
·       INL’s Vision: To sustain core technical capabilities and develop innovative solutions that secure and advance nuclear and other clean energy choices for our future.
Come join us for breakfast and bring a friend.  Don’t miss a chance to ask questions about the National Laboratory and learn about its important role in energy research and many other things.  Here is INL’s web link:

Tom Crawford,
McCall Optimist President
Promise Yourself:   To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

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