Monday, November 3, 2014

Central District Health Department, Stephanie Noble

Hello Friends and Optimist,

Tuesday, Nov 4th, at the Pancake House 0700: Stephanie Noble, RN, MA, from the Central District Health Department will be our speaker.  The Central District Health Department (CDHD), Public Health District IV, is one of seven public health districts within the state of Idaho, serving the counties of Ada, Boise, Elmore, and Valley.  The health districts were established in 1970 under Idaho Code to ensure essential public health services are made available to protect the health of all citizens of the state – no matter how large or small their county population.  CDHD is governed by a seven-member board of health, which is appointed by the county commissioners of the district’s four counties.  With a vision of Healthy People in Healthy Communities, CDHD’s emphasis is on decreasing risk factors for chronic disease, improving quality of life and increasing the years of healthy life among residents.   Come meet Stephanie and learn about the many programs and services the CDHD offers.  Here is their website:

Tom Crawford,
McCall Optimist President
Promise Yourself:   To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet.

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